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GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA Holiday Shopping Guide: 5 Things to Remember When Buying A Diamond

The to-do list around the holiday season seems endless! You’re busy attending events, hanging holiday decorations, sending cards…and then, you still have to find time to buy gifts! If your holiday shopping list includes a diamond or piece of diamond jewelry, GIA can help.

Here are 5 easy tips to help you choose the perfect diamond gift.


Tanzanite Buying Guide

Notable for its majestic blue velvet and intense royal purples, the first of December’s birthstones is named after the only country it can be found: Tanzania. Exceptional tanzanite can display three distinct colors in three crystal directions. (more…)

diamond bracelet
GIA Holiday Shopping Guide: The Diamond 4Cs Guide For Your Holiday Shopping

Holiday shoppers are giving diamonds an overwhelming YES. And it’s not just bejeweled engagement rings that are getting people to say ‘I do’. Recent studies indicate that women plan to buy more diamonds for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and “just because”.

GIA Holiday Shopping Guide: Gift Ideas for Women

So many designs, so many options! Choosing just the right jewelry piece for a woman can seem daunting. As the authoritative source on diamond and gem knowledge, GIA put together this holiday shopping guide to help give you the confidence to purchase a quality gemstone or piece of jewelry any woman will love. (more…)

GIA Holiday Shopping Guide: Gift ideas for Men

GIA’s 2014 Holiday Shopping Guides are here to help inspire your holiday shopping this season. Today, we discuss how to make the right choice when it comes to buying jewelry for men. (more…)

Rock Candy – Fantasy Cut Gemstones

There’s  magic and fantasy in gemstones, and a group of cutters are master conjurers. (more…)

The Magic of the Fantasy Cut Gemstones

Fantasy cut gemstones exhibit so many unique optical characteristics that they often appear to live up to ancient lore – that gems are imbued with magical properties.

So called fantasy cut gemstones often owe their spectacular beauty to unique faceting artistry that is achieved through cutting non-traditional design elements. These techniques cause light to reflect and refract differently, surging into view as stunning displays of light and color along the gems’ surface and interior. (more…)

Citrine Buying Guide

Perhaps the most popular and frequently purchased yellow gemstone, citrine is a variety of quartz, and a November birthstone. While it’s an attractive alternative for topaz as well as yellow sapphire, natural citrine is actually quite rare, and those without color zoning or visible inclusions are highly sought after. (more…)

Leaf Motif

Consider the changing beauty of the humble leaf: it is a tender shoot in spring…a lush green canopy in summer…a blaze of reds, yellows, and purples in autumn. Jewelry designers have been captivated by them for centuries, turning Mother Nature’s displays into bejeweled creations. (more…)

Topaz Buying Guide

One of November’s birthstones, topaz has the unique ability to show different colors in different crystal directions. Ancient civilizations believed that topaz gave them strength, long life, beauty, and intelligence. (more…)

Jinxed Gems

Everyone loves a good Halloween scare, so we scoured the gemological literature for stories about cursed gemstones. Here are a few tales we dug up about these bone-chilling beauties. (more…)

Bewitched by Black Diamonds

With Halloween creeping up on us, black diamonds seem a fitting subject.

Black diamonds, much like brown diamonds, were once outcasts in the diamond world. In the 1928 book, Diamond: A Descriptive Treatise, author J.R. Sutton noted: “Ordinary black diamond is not greatly unlike black sealing wax. Opinions differ as to its virtues as a gemstone.” And until relatively recently, this negative impression still persisted.” (more…)