
GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

We all love the timeless, classic appeal of colorless diamonds. But there’s nothing wrong with spicing up a jewelry collection with punches of color. There’s no better time than the holidays to indulge in a jewelry gift (for her, for him, for yourself) that not only celebrates the season with color, but is also an everlasting treasure to be worn and admired year round.  If you’re looking for an ultimate diamond gift with a big “swoon factor” – think fancy color diamonds during this holiday shopping season. (more…)

With Halloween creeping up on us, black diamonds seem a fitting subject.

Black diamonds, much like brown diamonds, were once outcasts in the diamond world. In the 1928 book, Diamond: A Descriptive Treatise, author J.R. Sutton noted: “Ordinary black diamond is not greatly unlike black sealing wax. Opinions differ as to its virtues as a gemstone.” And until relatively recently, this negative impression still persisted.” (more…)

Just a few decades ago, saying a diamond was brown was considered to be the kiss of death. These ugly ducklings of the colored diamond world were often destined for industrial use. (more…)

Colored diamonds have a special allure, and rare natural color green diamonds may be the most intriguing of them all.

The green color in a diamond is the result of exposure to radiation. The source of the radiation can be naturally occurring or performed in a laboratory. Natural radiation is the result of the diamond being exposed to radioactive uranium from rocks near the earth’s surface. Artificial irradiation is achieved in a lab using either a linear accelerator (called a linac), gamma rays or a nuclear reactor. (more…)

Blue diamonds are extremely rare, exquisitely beautiful, and rich in lore. This special combination has made them coveted by diamond lovers and jewelry connoisseurs.

How rare are blue diamonds? To find that glittering needle in the haystack, tons of ore have to be unearthed. And when a blue diamond is found, you can imagine the excitement it causes. (more…)

If you love yellow diamonds, you’re not alone. Diamond connoisseurs spend millions on these stunning gemstones. (more…)

Diamonds are prized around the world for their rarity. A gem-quality diamond is already one of the most rare items found in nature. Of all colored diamonds, one color in particular is especially rare: a predominantly red diamond.   (more…)

When does yellow become orange, and orange become red? The question may sound a bit philosophical until you tie it to colored diamonds, where slight variations in color can mean huge differences in price.


The Pink Star ring, which sold at a Sotheby’s auction for $71 million, contains a 59.60 ct Fancy Vivid pink diamond graded by GIA.

Jewelry connoisseurs have gone crazy for colored diamonds. And their appetites were practically insatiable in 2013.

Red diamond gemstone

Blame it on St. Valentine, but February is synonymous with the color red. Giving your special someone a red gemstone jewelry piece would be the ultimate token of affection to mark the upcoming holiday dedicated to romance. When considering purchasing a red gemstone such as ruby, garnet, or red diamond, there are a few key facts and considerations to keep in mind. (more…)

The hope diamond in a new necklace setting surrounds the blue diamond 340 baguette diamonds totaling 66 carats

Often when picturing a diamond, we envision the classic colorless gem depicted in films, showcased in engagement rings, or displayed with other popular jewelry in glass cases. A colorless diamond is the clear, classic diamond we envision. Many “colorless” diamonds possess very subtle hints of yellow or brown, colors that can affect the value of the stone.  But diamonds come in colors that extend beyond the D-to-Z color scale. And when the color of the stone is strong enough, the diamond becomes known as a “fancy-color diamond.” (more…)

When it’s time to buy a diamond, many people spend a lot of time educating themselves on the 4Cs of diamond quality, and then determining what the personal trade-offs between those various quality characteristics will be. (more…)