
GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

Flaming Gorge Canyon & Brooch
Finding Inspiration in Unexpected Places

As artists, jewelry designers are inspired in different ways. Some create to echo iconic eras of the past, like Art Deco or Art Nouveau. Some provide their own perspective on famous works of art in galleries and museums. But some have a keen eye for taking a part of their ordinary, everyday life, and turning it into something exquisite. (more…)

Silver: A metal that shows its mettle

Affordable, prestigious, and trendy, it’s no wonder that silver is enjoying a renaissance. Considered one of the three Noble Metals – gold and platinum being the other two previously covered – silver sales have been on the rise, with an average increase of 19% from 2011 to 2012 (according to the National Jeweler/Nielsen silver survey). (more…)

Image courtesy of Dr. Geoffrey Smith
Tribal Revival: Tribal Jewelry Adorns Chieftains and Celebrities Alike

How many times have you moved in your life? The average American moves 11 times, according to US census data, and this on-the-move lifestyle has fueled one of the biggest trends in jewelry right now, tribal-inspired jewelry design. (more…)

GIA diamond 4Cs Spokes
Tips for Online Diamond Buying

Consumers have more options than ever when it comes to buying diamonds. In addition to jewelry retailers, you can shop conveniently from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Many of the same considerations apply whether you’re buying a diamond in person or online, but GIA has a few additional tips for shopping online that will help you click the “Buy Now” button with confidence. (more…)

Mandela Day Library
GIA Partnership Brings Mandela Day Libraries to South African Schools

Adding to its educational efforts in Africa, GIA recently entered into a collaboration with the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory to provide Mandela Day Libraries to four South African elementary schools. (more…)

How Color Happens in Diamonds

Many people know that diamonds typically come in a range of colors from D to Z on the GIA color-grading scale.  However, most people don’t know how the naked eye sees color in a diamond. (more…)

4Cs Q&A with GIA: More on Diamonds

GIA’s 4Cs Q&A series wraps up with some bonus information on fluorescence, while passing along a few friendly words of advice. (more…)

How GIA Educates

In addition to setting standards for determining gem quality and conducting front-line research, GIA protects the gem-buying public by educating gem and jewelry professionals. In fact, GIA was founded more than 80 years ago as an educational institution to help jewelers accurately and ethically communicate gem information to the public. (more…)

4Cs Q&A with GIA: Diamond Carat Weight

GIA’s 4Cs Q&A series continues with a careful consideration of carat weight. (more…)

Can You Help Me Find a Jeweler?

One frequent request GIA receives is, “Can you recommend a reputable jeweler?” The jewelry-buying landscape offers so many options: buying online, through retail chains, neighborhood jewelry stores, and even independent sellers. Establishing a relationship with a jeweler can seem daunting and confusing. GIA is here to help. While it can’t recommend specific jewelers or businesses, it does offer tools and tips to help you navigate your way through choices. (more…)

4Cs Q&A with GIA: Diamond Cut Grading

Next up in GIA’s 4Cs Q&A series is diamond cut grading. (more…)

4Cs Q&A with GIA: Diamond Clarity Grading

Understand all the aspects of the Diamond Clarity Scale and check out this diamond clarity grading chart in the second of GIA’s 4Cs Q&A series. (more…)