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GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

The Effect of Light on Color: Learning From the World of Art

What could impressionist painter Claude Monet and GIA colored diamond graders possibly have in common? For both the artist and the gemologist, the study of how light alters the appearance of an object was, and remains, an important part of their process. (more…)

Digging into Diamond Types

Serious diamond connoisseurs consider a diamond’s 4Cs as essential information. Some buyers might also want to know about the diamond type. But what exactly does diamond type mean? (more…)

The Beauty of Blue Diamonds

Blue diamonds are extremely rare, exquisitely beautiful, and rich in lore. This special combination has made them coveted by diamond lovers and jewelry connoisseurs.

How rare are blue diamonds? To find that glittering needle in the haystack, tons of ore have to be unearthed. And when a blue diamond is found, you can imagine the excitement it causes. (more…)

Ruby Buying Guide

The color of love, anger, passion, fury, vibrant red ruby is July’s birthstone. It makes an ideal romantic gift, not only for those who celebrate July birthdays, but for all women. However, ruby can command the highest per-carat price of any colored gemstone. These stunning red gems are consistently breaking auction records, as demand for ruby continues to rise. (more…)

History of Cultured Pearls – Part 1

Before the development of cultured pearls, only natural pearls were available – and their value was astronomical.

“I’m going to have the most expensive dinner in history,” Cleopatra supposedly boasted to Marc Anthony. She then dissolved a large natural pearl in a goblet of wine and drank it. Then there was the Roman general, Vitellius (15 A.D.-69 A.D.), who sold a natural pearl from one of his mother’s earrings to cover the expenses of a military campaign. (more…)

Yearning for Yellow Diamonds

If you love yellow diamonds, you’re not alone. Diamond connoisseurs spend millions on these stunning gemstones. (more…)

Meet the Mollusks

A strand of pearls is one of the most glamorous pieces of jewelry a woman can wear, yet these lustrous beauties have humble origins.

Pearls are produced by mollusks – soft-bodied saltwater or freshwater animals possessing one (univalve) or two (bivalve) shells. Mollusks are invertebrates meaning they lack a spine or vertebrae. Scientists estimate there are over 100,000 different species of mollusks in the world’s waters. However, only a few dozen of these species produce pearls and only about half of them are used to produce cultured pearls. (more…)

Dragon-Themed Jewelry for Dragon Boat Races

In honor of the Dragon Boat Festival, why not consider wearing dragon-themed jewelry? A striking choice to complement your outfit, it could add a splash of color to your attire as you stroll the river banks and enjoy your traditional sticky rice dumplings and wine. (more…)

Bejeweled Buildings

Glittering around the world are a handful of buildings decorated with gems.

Sparkling like stars in the night sky, these architectural marvels are ornamented with mother of pearl, abalone shell, amethyst, lapis lazuli, red agate, and more . Such stones are often reserved for jewelry, so to see hundreds of them in one place is an awe-inspiring experience.

Join us, as we take a tour around the world to learn about these bejeweled beauties. We promise they’ll be quite a sight to behold. (more…)

Tips on Getting a Jewelry Appraisal

Does GIA provide appraisals? It’s a frequently asked question we often get from consumers trying to determine the value of a gemstone or piece of jewelry. (more…)

Famous Diamonds: The Taylor-Burton Diamond

Like the famous Elizabeth Taylor Diamond, the Taylor-Burton Diamond was another of Richard Burton’s extravagant gifts to wife Elizabeth Taylor during their public and tumultuous marriages. The couple’s emotionally-charged private life often drew as much attention as their movie roles, and their luxurious tastes, Taylor’s love for diamonds especially, were legendary. (more…)

The Charming Positives of Negative Space

As you’re enjoying this exquisite necklace, see if you can figure out what makes it so beautiful. (more…)