
GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

History of Cultured Pearls, Part Two: The South Seas and Tahiti

In the past century, pearls have gone from some of the most expensive and rarest objects to jewelry that many of us can afford.

How this happened and what the future holds is a fascinating story. In part one of our series on cultured pearls we discussed how three Japanese men created techniques to produce the first akoya cultured pearls, which gave birth to the modern cultured pearl industry. Today, we dive into South Sea cultured pearls, Tahitian cultured pearls, and the rise of China as a leading cultured pearl producer.

Ready to set sail and learn about these treasures? (more…)

History of Cultured Pearls – Part 1

Before the development of cultured pearls, only natural pearls were available – and their value was astronomical.

“I’m going to have the most expensive dinner in history,” Cleopatra supposedly boasted to Marc Anthony. She then dissolved a large natural pearl in a goblet of wine and drank it. Then there was the Roman general, Vitellius (15 A.D.-69 A.D.), who sold a natural pearl from one of his mother’s earrings to cover the expenses of a military campaign. (more…)

The Fascinating Faceted Cultured Pearl

The pearl has been shrouded in myth and mystery since antiquity.

The ancient Romans imagined they were the tears of gods and angels. The ancient Chinese thought they offered protection from fire-breathing dragons. And Europeans believed they symbolized modesty, chastity, and purity. (more…)