Is your mom sporty, hip, classic, or into DIY? We found jewelry styles to please every kind of mom under the sun. If you need gift ideas for mom, read on! (more…)
Is your mom sporty, hip, classic, or into DIY? We found jewelry styles to please every kind of mom under the sun. If you need gift ideas for mom, read on! (more…)
If you’re asking, “What is the most important C?”, chances are you’re already well into the process of purchasing a diamond engagement ring. When it comes to diamond quality, the answer is simple, but not necessarily straightforward. (more…)
We’ve shared the meanings behind rose, orchid, lily, and more in the first part of The Secret Message of Flowers. But with so many beautiful flowers and gorgeous pieces of floral jewelry in the world, one post just wasn’t enough.
Here we continue our exploration of flowers to help you become even more fluent in their secret language. (more…)
As you’re shopping for fine jewelry, knowing how durable a particular gemstone is will help you determine how and when to wear it, and most importantly – how to care for it. In this post, we’ll go beyond the Mohs scale to demystify gemstone durability and provide tips for helping you choose a gemstone that could last a lifetime or longer. (more…)
The tradition of wearing mourning jewelry goes back to at least the Middle Ages, when motifs like skulls and crossbones served as a tangible reminder of death. The exhortation memento mori, which literally translates to remember death, urged the wearer to live a moral life. (more…)
The process of selecting an engagement ring is full of big decisions and small ones. You’ve learned about the 4Cs (color, clarity, cut, and carat weight) and the important role they play in determining a diamond’s value. You’ve probably spent some time deciding on the right diamond shape. And you’ve thought hard about picking the right white metal or whether to go with gold. You’ve finally chosen a solitaire setting, and now have to decide on the number of prongs. (more…)
Whenever you plan on proposing, presenting her (or him) with a pink diamond engagement ring speaks volumes about the beauty, rarity and mystery of your love. These four reasons are a great guide to help you choose an incredible pink diamond engagement ring.
Happy Chinese New Year! It’s time to welcome in the monkey – the Chinese zodiac sign for 2016 (February 8, 2016 – January 27, 2017). In celebration, we’ve curated some stunning jewelry images representing this mischievous and lovable creature, and delve into a bit of lore around this Chinese zodiac sign. (more…)
If you’re shopping for diamonds and have done your 4Cs homework (color, clarity, cut, carat weight), then you already know that diamond color has a lot to do with overall diamond quality. The range of diamond color can be so subtle that your untrained eye may not be able to tell the difference between a nearly colorless diamond and a colorless one. But you’ll have no trouble in seeing the difference in diamond price. So how do you know exactly what you’re buying? That’s where an independent diamond grading report like GIA’s comes in. It provides a definitive, unbiased assessment of your diamond’s 4Cs, including its diamond color grade. (more…)
If you’ve been shopping for an engagement ring, you’ve probably come across hundreds of different styles and designs – and the fact that you’re still shopping probably means that you haven’t found that perfect ring. You can keep on shopping, or you can visit your neighborhood jeweler and explore the option of a custom made engagement ring. This guide to custom engagement rings is here to help make sure the ring you give is perfect.
Having a ring custom made ensures you – and most importantly, she – will get the ring of her dreams. It will be an engagement ring like no one else’s, a unique and lasting statement of your love.
Though the name literally translates to “Fragrant Harbor,” Hong Kong is a crowded, tropical jewel of a town, with one of the highest square foot rent costs in the world and known for being the business and fashion gateway into China.
Hong Kong’s sovereignty was transferred from the United Kingdom to China in 1997. Hong Kong has maintained its unique personality, making it an exotic locale for Westerners and Chinese alike. (more…)
Now that 2015 is coming to a close, it’s time to review the jewelry trend predictions the GIA social team made for the year. We were so pleasantly surprised at their accuracy that we asked them to peer into their crystal balls again to see what will be trending in jewelry for 2016. (more…)
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