
GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

Ocean-Inspired Jewelry Captures the Beauty of the Underwater World

Jewelry designers have long been enchanted by the sea. It’s a subject rich in beauty, myth, and romance – all classic elements of fine jewelry. (more…)

Emerald Buying Guide

May’s birthstone, emerald, is aptly named the gem of spring. Its vibrant green color evokes a lush garden. In fact, inclusions in emeralds are sometimes called an internal “jardin,” the French word for “garden.” The most desirable emeralds range from bluish green to green with vivid color saturation. (more…)

Beauty Revealed – Gemstones under the Microscope

Ready for a stunning surprise? Put a gemstone under a high-powered microscope, and you’ll see a world of breathtaking beauty. (more…)

Incredible Insects

We typically think of insects as pesky critters that make us squirm. Caterpillars, flies, and moths are not what many would consider the winners of Mother Nature’s beauty pageant. (more…)

Bejeweled Mermaids and their Luxurious Lairs

After years of hiding in the watery depths, mermaids, mythical half-human sea creatures, are surfacing everywhere – in a provocative photo shoot in the December 2013 issue of W ; on countless Starbucks’ cups (the mermaid is their corporate logo); in television shows like Mermaids and H20: Just Add Water; Pinterest, Etsy, and on bridesmaid accessories and wedding dresses. (more…)

Jade Buying Guide

A gemstone that conjures up images of heaven and earth, life and death, yin and yang, jade remains hugely popular in China, and all across the world. But did you know that jadeite is available in lavender (but not in pink?) (more…)

17.96 ct, aquamarine
Aquamarine Buying Guide

March’s aptly titled birthstone, aquamarine, grows in gorgeous crystals and sparkles like the ocean on a sun-kissed day. But do you know what to look for when shopping for aquamarine? (more…)

vibrant red rubies
Choosing a Valentine’s Day Ring that Lasts

Judging by what celebrities wear on the red carpet, luxury cocktail rings continue to reign supreme. If you’re looking to bring some sparkle to your favorite Valentine, consider giving her (or him?) a ring with gems of grand proportions, one that’s a fashion statement and a work of art. But be warned: while these jumbo rings dazzle on the red carpet, only some may be suitable for everyday wear. (more…)

garnet birthstone
Garnet Buying Guide

January’s birthstone, garnet, is known for its impressive variety of eye-catching colors, which can be almost any color of the rainbow. Garnets occur in green (demantoid and tsavorite), orange (spessartine), red (almandine and pyrope), and purplish red (rhodolite), plus a few rare garnets even change color under different types of light. But color is far from a garnet’s only attractive feature. (more…)

More is More: The Artistry of Tony Duquette & Hutton Wilkinson

Tony Duquette and Hutton Wilkinson are two jewelry designers acclaimed for their original work.

More is More: Tony Duquette – Hutton Wilkinson Jewelry, the duo’s first-ever all-jewelry exhibit, debuted on Oct. 10 at GIA’s world headquarters in Carlsbad, CA. The inventive body of work, which will be on display through March 2014, embraces a wide variety of styles, periods and palettes often showcasing unusual gemstones paired with rare materials in whimsical designs. (more…)

Faces of Eternity

Day of the Dead (the Mexican holiday honoring deceased loved ones) lingers long after its passing at GIA’s world headquarters with Faces of Eternity – a collection of 15 gem skulls by Peruvian artist and master carver Luis Alberto Quispe. (more…)

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Caring Tips and Fun Facts for April’s Birthstone: Diamond

April babies are lucky enough to have the most celebrated gemstone on Earth for a birthstone. So brilliant they were once thought to be fallen stars, diamonds are considered the hardest natural substance. (more…)