
GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA Reports: Decoding Diamond Clarity Diagrams

You probably already know about the importance of a diamond’s 4Cs (color, clarity, cut, carat weight) in defining diamond quality and ultimately determining its value. You may also know that a diamond grading report from an independent grading laboratory like GIA is your best way to be sure that your getting an unbiased assessment of your diamond’s quality. But in addition to the 4Cs, a diamond grading report also contains a wealth of information that tells a deeper story about your diamond. (more…)

Diamond Blemishes Defined

Last week, we talked about internal characteristics, or inclusions, and identified some of the most commonly seen ones. Today, we take a closer look at external characteristics, or blemishes, which are confined to the surface of a diamond. (more…)

Diamond Inclusions Defined

Because diamonds form under tremendous heat and pressure, nearly every one possesses internal and external features called clarity characteristics. These characteristics help gemologists separate natural diamonds from synthetics and simulants, as well as identify individual gems. (more…)

4Cs Q&A with GIA: Diamond Clarity Grading

Understand all the aspects of the Diamond Clarity Scale and check out this diamond clarity grading chart in the second of GIA’s 4Cs Q&A series. (more…)

Diamond Clarity: The absence of inclusions and blemishes

No diamonds are entirely without inclusions or blemishes, and these characteristics help gemologists accurately determine natural diamond clarity. (more…)

GIA Diamond Grading Scales: The Universal Measure of Quality

The prospect of purchasing a diamond may seem daunting, but through GIA, an unbiased authority on diamonds, you have several handy resources to help you select the highest quality diamond. First up, an overview of the 4Cs: Color, Clarity, Cut, and Carat Weight. (more…)

Print GIA’s Diamond Buying Guide – 4Cs Guide to Understanding Diamond Quality

Here is a printable diamond buying guide designed to help anyone shopping for a diamond understand the 4Cs of Diamond Quality; Color, Clarity, Cut and carat weight. Print this handy guide and take it with you wherever you need to better understand the 4Cs of diamond quality.

We hope our diamond buying guide will help you navigate and understand the relative quality differences that exist on the color, clarity and cut grading scales. Print this guide and take it with you when you visit your jeweler. 

Updated: GIA report scales have been updated with the newest scales as of December 2019.

Are Diamonds Really Perfect?

It has been said that few things in nature are absolutely perfect. The same holds true of diamonds. Part of what makes a diamond unique is what is commonly referred to as a diamond’s clarity characteristic. (more…)

Introduction to Diamond Clarity: Understanding a Diamond Clarity Grade

Few things in nature are absolutely perfect. This is also true with diamonds. As touched on in the first part of the clarity series, diamonds have internal features called inclusions and surface irregularities called blemishes.  Together, inclusions and blemishes make up a diamond’s clarity characteristic. (more…)

Introduction to Diamond Clarity: What are Inclusions and Blemishes

Diamond clarity is one of the four quality factors (the 4Cs) that describe and determine the value of a diamond. By definition, clarity means “a gemstone’s relative freedom from inclusions and blemishes.” These two terms are locational- blemishes are found on the outside of the gem and inclusions are located on the inside. Both of these clarity characteristics can dim the brilliance of a diamond, though some are so minute that they are invisible to the naked eye. (more…)