
GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

Zodiac-Inspired Jewelry

An archer, a fish, a scorpion, a crab…connect the starry dots in the night sky and you get the Zodiac, a system of 12 signs associated with the constellations and born out of ancient myths and legends. Just as everyone has a birthstone, everyone has a zodiac sign tied to the date of their birth. This year, we had a lot of fun curating a series of  zodiac-inspired jewelry, looking for pieces that offered a highly imaginative spin on the signs themselves, or reminded us of the personality traits associated with each sign. (more…)

Getting into the Spirit: Selecting the Perfect Holiday Jewelry

The holiday season is always something people look forward to, but we’re often swept up in planning, cooking, shopping and more, not leaving enough time for ourselves. One way to stay on top of your game and avoid the dreaded last minute, “What am I going to wear?” dilemma is by having your outfits prepared (and jewelry selected) well ahead of time. (more…)

Holiday Buying Guide: How to Clean Jewelry

Winter is here, and that means the holiday season is upon us! You might have already unpacked your winter blankets from their storage closet and maybe your down coat as well. But have you given your jewelry a good cleaning lately? (more…)

Jewelry and Gem Photography Tips Using a Cell Phone or Tablet

Whether you’re an amateur photographer or a pro, the same photography tip applies: the best camera you can have is the one that’s with you. No camera, no picture!

The truth is, even the pros don’t always have their cameras with them, and sometimes they miss once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.  But one camera almost everyone has with them is their cell phone. (more…)

Zodiac-Inspired Jewelry: Sagittarius

An archer, taking the form of a centaur, a half human, half horse mythological character, strides across the night sky taking aim with its bow and arrow. The noble vision is Sagittarius, the constellation associated with the ninth zodiac sign covering those born between November 22 to December 21 – a sign that’s inspired some magnificent jewelry. (more…)

Holiday Buying Guide: Jewelry Gifts for Men

Are you looking for gift ideas for the guy in your life? When you want to get him something special, quality fine jewelry is not only a lasting gift that conveys deep sentiment, but it can be a very stylish choice, too. However, while there seems to be a wide variety of jewelry gifts available for women, finding the right gifts for men can leave many stumped. (more…)

Holiday Buying Guide: Five Tips to Plan the Perfect Engagement Proposal

Are you ready to get down on one knee and pop the question? Ask for her hand in marriage? Put a ring on her finger? This is a momentous occasion, and one that requires some planning.

Once you know you’re ready to propose, where do you start? There’s a lot to consider: the ring, the venue, the right words to say and more. We have it sketched out for you below, ready for you to customize to fit your relationship and partner’s preferences.

Are you ready to write your perfect proposal story? Here we give you five tips to plan the perfect engagement proposal. (more…)

GIA Diamond Grading Reports: Understanding Diamond Grading and Cut Grades

Diamond jewelry shopping can be an exciting and fun experience. The gemstones glimmer at you from the case and it can be hard to choose just the right one. If you’re looking for a diamond, remember the importance of learning about the 4Cs of diamond quality and getting an independent diamond grading report. A GIA diamond grading report provides an objective, unbiased assessment of the diamond’s 4Cs – and can help you make the right purchase decision.

How to Select a Radiant Cut Diamond

With the variety of diamond cuts available, it can be a challenge to select just the right one. In fact, you might even want to create your own unique style by combining two or more diamond shapes or cuts together in one engagement ring or piece of jewelry for a design that stands out from the others. Perhaps diamond cutters were thinking along similar lines when they combined cutting styles to create something new and unique – calling the result a radiant cut diamond. (more…)

Jewelry for Celebrating the Day of the Dead

The holiday celebrated as Day of the Dead in Latin America is actually observed over a two-day period: All Saints’ Day on November 1 is held in remembrance of deceased children and infants and All Souls’ Day on November 2 commemorates deceased adults.  We’ve picked some appropriate jewelry to go with this happy holiday. (more…)

Contemporaty and Modern Engagement Ring Styles

Every romance has its special moments. Every love is unique. Every engagement celebrates a relationship. And sometimes an unusual engagement ring shows another side.

With these sentiments in mind, we searched for engagement rings with contemporary designs, those that were far off the beaten path. The eclectic pieces we picked share a few themes: they speak of eco-awareness, feature alternative materials, and are for couples looking to make a statement.


The Murky History of Poison Rings

Since the bewitching season is upon us, it’s a perfect time to do a postmortem on poison rings – those devious jewels whose secret compartments supposedly held deadly contents. A shroud of mystery and rumor surrounds them, so their reputation is fittingly a mash-up of fact and fiction. (more…)