
GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

GIA 4Cs Diamond Blog

The Effect of Light on Color: Learning From the World of Art

What could impressionist painter Claude Monet and GIA colored diamond graders possibly have in common? For both the artist and the gemologist, the study of how light alters the appearance of an object was, and remains, an important part of their process. (more…)

fancy colored diamonds
20 Years of GIA’s Colored Diamond Grading System

Going once. Going twice. Going three times. Sold for $83.2 million.

That was the winning bid for the 59.6 carat Fancy Vivid Pink Dream in November 2013 – the most ever paid for a diamond. The amount was comparable to prices paid for paintings by some of the masters.

How GIA Educates

In addition to setting standards for determining gem quality and conducting front-line research, GIA protects the gem-buying public by educating gem and jewelry professionals. In fact, GIA was founded more than 80 years ago as an educational institution to help jewelers accurately and ethically communicate gem information to the public. (more…)

4Cs Q&A with GIA: Diamond Carat Weight

GIA’s 4Cs Q&A series continues with a careful consideration of carat weight. (more…)

GIA Diamond Reports
What is the difference between a Diamond Grading Report and an Appraisal?

Purchasing a diamond ring can be overwhelming. After you get through the education process of learning the diamond 4Cs there is still one more piece of the puzzle: understanding the difference between a grading report and an appraisal. (more…)

How Blind Grading Keeps Objectivity in Diamond Grading

GIA strives to make sure diamond grading is objective and fair, keeping a standard in the diamond market, so that the public can buy a diamond with a GIA report and know that the report is accurate and absolutely impartial. This creates the ultimate peace of mind for your diamond purchase. (more…)

Why Start with “D”?

When men and women really start looking into diamond grading, a common question is, “Why does the GIA color grade start with a D?” (more…)

Before You Visit a Jeweler, Ace the 4Cs

All diamonds are rare and no two diamonds are alike. A diamond’s quality and rarity is determined by its unique combination of characteristics of Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat Weight.  The International Diamond Grading System™, used around the world since its invention by GIA in the 1950s, is based on the Four Cs. (more…)