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Pink diamond ring

4 Reasons to Give Her (or Him) a Pink Diamond Engagement Ring

Published February 15, 2016

Whenever you plan on proposing, presenting her (or him) with a pink diamond engagement ring speaks volumes about the beauty, rarity, and mystery of your love. In case you need convincing here are four reasons why...

Whenever you plan on proposing, presenting her (or him) with a pink diamond engagement ring speaks volumes about the beauty, rarity and mystery of your love. These four reasons are a great guide to help you choose an incredible pink diamond engagement ring.

#1 – A Pink Diamond Represents the Color of Love

The color pink has long been associated with the sweeter emotions. During England’s Elizabethan Era (1558-1603), pink was thought to represent happiness and delight. Pink is now linked with love, tenderness and innocence. So if you want to express your love, a pink diamond engagement ring whispers romance.

Just like true love, a diamond that is pink in color is a rare thing. Pink diamonds often have another color like orange, purple, or brown that modifies its predominant pink color. Purplish pink, orangy pink, and brownish pink are some of the color terms GIA uses to describe these modified/modifying colors for pink diamonds. These beauties can be every bit as stunning as a pink diamond with no additional color – but pink diamonds with no modifying colors are a bit more uncommon.

Six pink diamonds.

Pretty in pink: a group of pink diamonds struts its stuff. From left to right: a 0.91 ct Fancy Intense purplish pink triangular brilliant cut; a 1.02 ct Fancy Intense pink round brilliant cut; a 1.53 ct Fancy Intense pink radiant cut; a 0.66 ct Fancy Vivid purplish pink emerald cut; a 0.69 ct Fancy purplish red emerald cut; a 1.74 ct Fancy purplish red oval brilliant cut. Photo: Robert Weldon/GIA.

#2 – A Pink Diamond Is Incredibly Rare

The world is vast, but pink diamonds have been found only in a few locations. Historically, southern India was an important source in the 17th century. The occasional rough pink diamond has been found in Brazil’s rivers, and mines in Russia and Africa have had sporadic output yielding only a few carats of gem-quality pink stones from time to time.

In the past few decades, the Argyle mine in Australia has been the most important source of pink diamonds, but finds here have been rare. According to Rio Tinto Ltd., the owner of the mine, “more than 800 million carats of rough diamonds have been produced from the Argyle Diamond Mine. Total carats of pink rough: less than 1% of total production.”

Two pink diamonds.

Two pink diamonds unearthed at the Argyle mine in 2007. Photo: Robert Weldon/GIA.

The discovery of a large pink diamond is an important event that captures the attention and imagination gem professionals and enthusiasts. In November 2015, jewelry trade magazines excitedly reported the discovery of a 23.16 ct pink diamond rough from the Williamson mine in Tanzania. Petra Diamonds Limited, owner of the mine, subsequently sold the rough diamond for US $433,938 per carat, or nearly US $10.1 million.

Rough pink diamond.

The 23.16 ct rough pink diamond discovered at the Williamson mine, Tanzania, in November 2015. Courtesy: Petra Diamonds

#3 – A Pink Diamond Is a Bit Mysterious

Love is something of a mystery – and so is the cause of a pink diamond’s color. For blue diamonds, the presence of the element boron is responsible for the cause of color, and nitrogen is the cause of color for yellow diamonds. But there is no evidence that trace elements are the cause of color for a pink diamond.

Scientists theorize that the color in a pink diamond is caused by color centers. Color centers can selectively absorb light in the visible region of the spectrum. They are the result of lattice defects, or imperfections in the arrangement of the atoms in a crystal. These defects can sometimes cause pink graining in the diamond crystal. The intensity of the color depends on the amount of pink graining present.

Pink diamond necklace

When the Dreams of Diamonds exhibition came to GIA in 2015, this diamond necklace, with the pendant in the shape of roses, enthralled visitors with its bold design and spectacular diamonds. The piece boasts a total of 22.90 carats of pink diamonds and a total of 48.99 carats of colorless diamonds set in a bed of white and rose 18K gold. Photo: Robert Weldon/GIA. Courtesy: Mouawad MENA DMCC

#4 – A Pink Diamond Is Breathtakingly Beautiful

Pink diamond ring.

The 59.60 ct Pink Star is one of the most impressive pink diamonds ever discovered. Courtesy: Sotheby’s

Mother Nature made diamonds a billion years ago deep within the earth and brought them to the surface in volcanic eruptions. Exploration geologists search for deposits of these rare diamonds and then miners extract the rough crystals from the earth. After cutters skillfully bring out their beauty, the diamonds’ journey ultimately ends in a spectacular piece of jewelry cherished by its wearer.

To see a pink diamond engagement ring is to behold a wearable work of art. To give one is to make an unforgettable memory. If you want to take your loved one’s breath away, you cannot do better than propose with a pink diamond engagement ring.

We hope this guide to four reasons for choosing a pink diamond engagement ring has inspired your imagination. Wonder how light affects the appearance of diamonds? The great impressionist painter Claude Monet observed how light affects our surroundings, and GIA studied how light affects diamond appearance.