In the 2013 GIA Holiday Buying Guide, we’ve talked about diamond jewelry styles and trends, and how to buy diamond jewelry, but as we near the end of the holiday, there is still one significant topic to address: how to buy her something she’ll love.
For many men, buying diamond jewelry can be intimidating. Understanding the 4Cs and knowing the right questions to ask can help you make an informed decision, but how do you select something that will take her breath away? While there is no fail-safe answer, here are five proven tips that will get you closer to the “magical” response you’re going for.
Listen Up
If she’s hoping for diamonds this holiday, chances are she’s mentioned it to you or mentioned it to a girlfriend while you’re within earshot. Women will occasionally drop hints; you just have to be paying attention.
Consider her Lifestyle

The wonderful thing about diamonds is they go with everything. But there are jewelry styles that are better suited for different situations. Does she work in an office? Consider a classic piece like diamond stud earrings or simple pendant necklace. For a stay-at-home mom, a diamond bracelet might be the perfect addition to her casual wardrobe to remind her every day how appreciated she is. For a woman who enjoys nights out and elegant dinner parties, perhaps a right hand ring or brooch would be the perfect conversation starter.
Pay Attention to her Personal Style
A woman’s jewelry collection is a direct reflection of her personal taste, so make sure the piece you select fits her sense of style. For the woman with a classic, timeless style, look at a diamond solitaire, line bracelet, or simple diamond studs. The modern, artistic type might love some of the newer jewelry designs showcasing diamonds mixed with alternative metals and materials like leather or wood. For the woman who loves diamonds but already has all the basics, perhaps she’d love a fancy colored diamond like yellow, pink, or blue.. Women’s fashion style is an area where many men feel out of their element, so talk with your jeweler about her wardrobe choices– consider showing the salesperson some pictures.–and they will be able to steer you in the right direction.

Think Outside the Ring Finger
Many men think of diamond jewelry and immediately think of a diamond ring. It makes sense, considering it’s typically a guy’s first entry point into the world of fine jewelry. But if you’re still dating and not ready to commit to marriage, you probably want to steer clear of rings altogether. Earrings and necklaces are great alternatives and much easier to select. You don’t have to worry about discretely finding her ring size, just be sure you know, in the case of earrings, if her ears are pierced or not.
Ask Around
If you’re having a hard time deciding, enlist the help of her close friend or family member. She might have mentioned something she’s been eyeing, but someone close to her will also have a good idea of how to select something to fit her style and tastes.
Finally, relax and enjoy the moment. You’re about to make someone’s holiday really special. The GIA Holiday Buying Guide is designed to provide helpful tips to make your holiday shopping easier, but taking your time to find the perfect gift for someone you love is a fun and exciting process. Good luck!